I have always been a stong believer in the importance of nurturing your mind body and spirit. I think that goes without saying it's also why I decided to become a licensed esthetician. Not to mention both my son and my daughter having chose similiar fields with one a licensed MT and the other [...]

2017-03-21T20:31:54+00:00March 4th, 2017|blog, INSPIRATION|


The site it called DITTO and their tagline is "Endless Eyewear" on rotation. It is indeed the best thing since the 90's when BMG music allowed you to select a number of CD's (something like 12) for the price of one. Imagine it as the Netflix of eyewear but better! If you are like me you grow [...]

2016-09-19T19:03:32+00:00September 13th, 2016|BEAUTY, blog|
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